Yup, we've decided to start blogging! And by we, I of course mean, just me. :-) Since our family has started to grow, we finally have things to say. Naturally, I'm going to start with the newest addition to our little family...Kaeson!
Kaeson Jamie Anton was born June 22nd, 2010 (yes, he is already a month old!), and weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces, and 20 inches long...He was 4 days early, luckily I was induced, 4 days to a pregnant woman is like a lifetime, so I can only imagine how big he would have been if he had been born on his due date, the 26th.
He was very stubborn, I don't have to wonder where he got that trait from, and didn't want to come out earlier than the induction date, no matter what I did. We tried EVERYTHING, walking, jogging, climbing a steep hill, spicy food, we went swinging and swimming, the only thing I wouldn't try was castor oil. He kept me dialated at a 6 for over a week! So luckily by the time we got to the hospital I didn't have far to go. 5 hours of labor, 12 minutes of pushing, and here was our beautiful baby boy!
Naturally I cried, and not surprisingly the proud daddy cried too. I don't know how many know, but for Jamie and I this is our second son, after a stillbirth in February 3 years ago. So the tears were well earned. It took over a year and a half for me to get pregnant, but it was so worth it. Not that we're planning on doing it again anytime soon. Congratulations to us :-)